Raiffeisen Bank Romania Apps

New Raiffeisen Smart Mobile
Enjoy the new Smart Mobile app, with a brand-new, intuitivedesign,always handy with the most important banking services andproducts!What’s new? You’ll find everything easier, due to thebrand new,intuitive interface. It’s much easier to send a paymentas now wehave a unique form for transfers. You can search for apayment fromthe past and remake it in the future. You can block andreissuecards with just one touch. You can easily open current,savings anddeposit accounts. You can find your closest ATM,MultifunctionalATM or branch near you. The new Dashboard shows allyour personalaccounts and active cards. You can personalize theDashboard andmake it your own, using a simple “drag&drop”. Youcan schedulefuture payments, bill payments and you can save themintotemplates. You can change your user name any way you like. Youcanadd our new Raiffeisen SmartToken app and give up the oldphysicaltoken!
Raiffeisen SmartToken
The app is an eToken that makes authentication easy.
Raiffeisen Smart Mobile 3.11.1
LEGAL ENTITIES FEATURES: • Verify company accounts (balance, onlinehistory, details): current accounts, savings accounts, timedeposits, loans • View pending transactions • View Direct Debitcontracts • Own accounts operations • Payments to other accounts:Raiffeisen Bank accounts or other banks’ accounts (lei, foreigncurrency and cross currency) based on prior defined templates inRaiffeisen Online • Exchange rates and Interest rates Publicsection • Complete demo of the application • Exchange rates andInterest rates • Locator (Raiffeisen Bank branches, ATMs, MFMs)SECURITY Smart Mobile is a completely secure solution (featuringusername and password/PIN code, encrypted data transmission andprotection against phishing). HOW TO CONNECT This app was developedby Raiffeisen Bank Romania and is the version of Raiffeisen Onlinefor smart phones and tablets. The application is available inEnglish and Romanian. If you are a Raiffeisen Online user: •Activate the Smart Mobile service from your Raiffeisen Onlineaccount If you are not a Raiffeisen Online user: • You can activateSmart Mobile service in any Raiffeisen Bank branch • Learn how youcan become a Raiffeisen Online & Smart Mobile customer onwww.raiffeisen.ro
Pay contactless with your Android phone! With RaiPay you discoveraninnovative experience for contactless payments with yourRaiffeisenBank cards. Your benefits Pay SMART, by phone Turn on orunlockphone screen, get it close to the POS and pay instantly withRaiPay.Easily add your Raiffeisen Bank cards Only at RaiffeisenBank youcan add the card by bringing it close to the back of yourAndroidphone. Instantly the card will appear on RaiPay, via NFC.SecurePayments You can choose to authorize all thetransactions,regardless the amount, with app password. Easyconfirmation forphone payments You can choose to use phonefingerprint as apppassword and authorization method for thepayments made via phone.You can see the balance and transactionhistory in real time,directly on your phone, in RaiPay. Cardnicknames You can set anickname for each card enrolled in RaiPay soyou can quicklyremember which one to use when making payments.Interest-freeinstallments Only at Raiffeisen Bank you pay throughRaiPay ininterest-free installments at Multishop partner stores,throughyour credit card enrolled in the app. Always with you 24/7Youalways have the phone with you. From now on you can goshoppingwith your phone and pay quickly and easily everywhere. Justas SAFERaiPay payments are as secure as card payments. How do I paywithRaiPay? The payment with the phone through RaiPay is as simpleas acontactless payment with the card: • up to 100 lei: turn onthephone screen • over 100 lei: unlock phone and bring it close tothePOS. If you put the phone close to POS with the screen locked,youhave to unlock it and then bring it close to POS again. Youcanchange this mode of operation in the Security settings of theapp,where you have 3 options: “Standard” (described above),“Extended”– all the transactions higher than 100 lei will be donewith apppassword – or “Strict” – all the transactions, regardlesstheamount, will be done with app password. For paymentsecurity,RaiPay will ask you from time to time to authorize thepayment byentering the application password. Make sure you have theNFCoption enabled when you want to pay by phone. You can see intheapplication the list of payments initiated with RaiPay.Thepermission required when installing the application “accessto"telephone calls" is needed for the operation of RaiPay to createasecure RaiPay profile between the phone, the SIM series andthebank's systems. If you change the SIM, the application will askyouto configure it again. What do you need to use RaiPay? RaiPaycanbe used by Raiffeisen Bank customers who have contactless debitorcredit card, Visa / MasterCard. To install the application: •phonewith Android operating system, minimum version 5.0 •theapplication does not work on rooted phones • the phone mustbesecured with a screen lock method (PIN, fingerprint, etc.).Forphone payments: • NFC (Near Field Communication) active onyourphone and the app set up as default payment app on the phoneTheapplication is available in English and Romanian. • PleaseseeFrequently Asked Questions here (pdf, romanian languageonly):http://bit.ly/RaiPayFAQ • For support pleaseemailraipay@raiffeisen.ro or call *2000 or 0040 21 3063002.
RaiConnect RBRO 7.4.2
RaiConnect – Aplicația prin care comunici direct și sigurprinapeluri de tip voce sau video cu responsabilul tău bancar sipotide asemenea sa organizezi întâlniri cu acesta. Cum potibeneficiade RaiConnect? RaiConnect este disponibil doar pentru opartedintre clienții Raiffeisen Premium Banking și clientipersoanejuridice din segmentul Întreprinderi Mici și Mijlocii(IMM). Pentrumai multe informații despre acest serviciu, te rugămsă contacteziresponsabilul tau bancar sau serviciul Call Center lanumărul detelefon 021 407 9090, daca esti client IMM sau la numaruldetelefon 0800 811 111 / 021 408 28 11 daca esti clientPremiumBanking. RaiConnect by Raiffeisen Bank Romania is the newway foryou to connect and communicate with your dedicatedRelationshipManager at a time and place that is convenient to you.RaiConnectis the place where from today on you can talk to yourbank, makeaudio or video calls and share screens. And ofcourse,communication over RaiConnect is secure. How to getstarted?RaiConnect is currently available by invitation only forPremiumBanking and SME customers. For further information, pleasecontactyour dedicated relationship manager or Call Center at 021407 9090for SME customers and for Premium Banking clients at 0800811 111 /021 408 28 11.
Raiffeisen Smart Business
The new mobile banking app, Raiffeisen Smart Mobile Business,forSME companies has a brand-new, intuitive design, with themostimportant banking services and products! Main features: You’llfindeverything easier, due to the brand new, intuitive interface.It’smuch easier to send a payment as now we have a unique formfortransfers. The new Dashboard shows all your company's accounts.Youcan personalize the Dashboard and make it your own, using asimple“drag&drop”. You can download account statements forallaccounts opened. You can schedule future payments, billpaymentsand you can save them into templates. You can park paymentsandauthorize more payments all at once. You can change your usernameany way you like. You can add our new Raiffeisen SmartToken appandgive up the old physical token! You can find your closestATM,Multifunctional ATM or branch near you.
Raiffeisen Smart Market 1.5.1
You have many personalized offers, attractive benefits and a widerange of brands
RaiPos, turn your phone into a payment terminal